Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do you schedule time to read blogs?

I have noticed that my favorite thing to do besides write, is to read other blogs. I can get so lost in the flow of catching up on what people have had to say, and adding new blogs to my subscription list, that before I realize it - hours have flown by. 

I am curious as to how you manage your blog reading time? Do you set aside a certain amount of time, and once that time is up-shutdown? 

Do you only read certain ones? How could you possibly choose?

I honestly have been reading ones that come to my email, and then following links on Twitter, but I know I have been neglecting those that I have subscribed to...

What's your strategy?


Francine Howarth said...


Welcome to Tessa's Blog Hop.

Re blog time: first I don't subscribe to the e-mail blogging system because inevitably the inbox gets overrun with blog mail.

What I do is follow all blogs on my dashboard, and from there select those that interest on subject posted per day. I may visit a dozen or only a few, but hell, if I went to all of the listed blogs on my site I'd never get any writing done.

It's good to see you write because you love writing, which always shines in the end product unlike books written merely for profit by authors who ply their wares in several genre'.

Hope to see you around and having fun with others bloggers. Blogfesting is a great way of meeting new writers, too. ;)


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