Wednesday, November 23, 2011

DIY Creativity

I am still around, and as most of you will notice, I didn't do Nano this year. I am slightly disappointed with myself for not tackling my second novel, but at the same time, I wasn't ready to start it.....  I am still in the process of editing my book, and hope to report progress on that in the near future --

In the meantime, please check out my newest addition to my creativity plate -

Here you will be able to see what other areas I am pouring myself into, and hopefully get inspired yourself. 


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Growing Up

I recently took a giant leap in my writing life.  Most of you know (my faithful readers) that I wrote a book last November, and that I was beginning revisions a few months ago. After doing two rewrites, I decided it was time to send my book out to be read -- well this is huge for me. I rarely ever let anyone read my work, especially a novel!   However, I know that I will never grow as a writer if I don't let my work get torn to shreds.  Choosing who to send my book to was tough, and it's been hard waiting as she reads it.  The person I decided on has a lot of experience with both reading and editing. It's someone I respect, and I look forward to her feedback. 

I feel a little outside of my comfort zone, but as each day passes, I forget that my little piece of artwork is on someone else's desk, being read by a different set of eyes.   I cringe at the thought of something that I might have left out, or an inconsistency that I might not have corrected.  Now I wait -- I wait to hear what she thinks, I wait to discover how my writing looks to someone else...  I guess you could say, I'm growing up?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer Writing # 1

I have taken the summer off from school to submerge myself into my writing. So I can rewrite the novel I wrote last year... and so that I can continue on the projects that I'm already working on. Yet, I feel pressured, non-content, angry, defeated. My characters have abandoned me, and my drive has dissolved. So, here I am, at the mercy of my blog, trying to find some form of motivation.  I contemplated starting a new blog - quickly realized that the time to get it set up could be better used writing. I sat, stared at the blank screen, and contemplated writing about my two dogs, possibly even giving them their own blog. It's a thought - but do I really want to spend my writing time, speaking for my pets? Some days, maybe... right now.. no!  So, my promise to myself is to write - to write every day regardless of how self-defeated I feel. Today is day 1!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I want to be an amazing writer – Now one would think that this was always my goal.  It was not.  My goal was simply to write. It was my passion – it IS my passion. However, I have been giving up before I start, and I have been expecting less than mediocre from myself.  I haven’t required myself to be an amazing writer. I have just wanted to be a writer. That is not enough anymore. I want to be amazing. I want people to read my stories, and I want them to fall in love, over and over again.  There are several books that I have fallen in love with, several movies that I watch at the very least, once a year.  There are stories within me that keep me comforted, and others that keep me terrified. We all have a story, and it is important to tell it so that others can fall in love with our words, our situations, our characters.. and sometimes us.  That is what I want for myself, and my writing. The next few weeks will be full of rewriting.  Taking the work that I allowed just mediocre, and making it better.  Pouring myself into my words, and creating something that not only I love, but that others will love as well. It is no longer okay for me to just want to write – It is however, okay for me to want to write AMAZINGLY.    Kphilbrick.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Writing

This is the first time that I have tried writing during the holidays. It's insane! I haven't been able to sit long enough to get a good rewrite in on my novel, and I haven't let any new ideas flow out of me for weeks! I could use the excuse of finals, and holiday shopping, but shouldn't I be able to write regardless??

Today, I was watching the snow fall on my car, and a character came to me. She was very annoying, and screaming for some paper time.  She was younger then my normal characters, and quirky, but let me emphasize again the word "annoying."  I knew that I couldn't give her the typical excuses that I give my other characters, so I gave her about a page and a half before putting duct tape over her mouth and closing my laptop.

After weeks of not being able to write anything new, you would think that I would be relieved that I released a new character out into the world, but I feel overwhelmed. She will not be going away anytime soon, I just have this feeling. The problem with her is that she doesn't have a conflict, and she really doesn't have much of anything. She has a setting at the moment, but she does a lot of talking about herself. Can I really make time to listen to the endless amount of chatter she has to get to a main plot and resolution?

I guess time will tell..  Are you a writing machine during the holidays? Or do you find yourself making excuses, and putting your characters off for a different time?

Anyway, that's my update -- to all of my followers, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! <3 See you all in the New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rewriting Phase 1

Where is my novel? It's stuck inside of my laptop, waiting for me to open it up.  Why haven't I started to rewrite? Well, I'm not exactly sure. I guess you could say I'm scared. My first novel is sitting on a shelf inside of a closet. I gave myself permission to shelve it quite a long time ago, in anticipation for its rewrite.  I am scared to read what I spent 16 days pouring out of me.  I am scared that once I do finally sit down and look at it, I will be either be pleasantly surprised, or really disappointed.

Therefore, I call this blog Rewriting Phase 1... I wish there was someone to hold my hand during this process. Self-soothing has never been a strong point of mine. However, I know I must go at this alone-- or not so much alone, since my characters will be happy to have my attention again.  

Phase 1 supplies
A notebook
Favorite pen

Phase 1 tasks
Reread each chapter
Mark up entire pages
Write notes in notebook

Wish me luck. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last Day of Nano - Now What?

Today is the last day of NaNoWriMo!

Although I have been declared a "winner," I am kind of sad that I finished as early as I did. It would have been fun to cross the finish line with so many of you that did so today, and those who are still attacking their keyboards with pure determination! GO YOU!!!!!

So tomorrow is December 1st - time for finals at school, and Christmas shopping? well, yes.... but it's now time for me to dust off my 16 day novel, and take a look at what I have done. It's time to sit down and have an intimate conversation with each chapter, and to weave in the ribbons that will tie the book together.

Am I scared? Absolutely! -- Will I succeed? -- Absolutely!

The rewriting process is not something to approach lightly, and I plan on being completely dedicated to this book.

So what is next for you? A month off? more? Will you be starting a new book right away?

Congratulations Nano-writers - YOU DID IT! and if you didn't -- there is always next month! <3