Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rewriting Phase 1

Where is my novel? It's stuck inside of my laptop, waiting for me to open it up.  Why haven't I started to rewrite? Well, I'm not exactly sure. I guess you could say I'm scared. My first novel is sitting on a shelf inside of a closet. I gave myself permission to shelve it quite a long time ago, in anticipation for its rewrite.  I am scared to read what I spent 16 days pouring out of me.  I am scared that once I do finally sit down and look at it, I will be either be pleasantly surprised, or really disappointed.

Therefore, I call this blog Rewriting Phase 1... I wish there was someone to hold my hand during this process. Self-soothing has never been a strong point of mine. However, I know I must go at this alone-- or not so much alone, since my characters will be happy to have my attention again.  

Phase 1 supplies
A notebook
Favorite pen

Phase 1 tasks
Reread each chapter
Mark up entire pages
Write notes in notebook

Wish me luck. 


Lo Hughes said...

Good Luck! It's not as bad as you think, once you get going :-)

I just read a really great blog post about this yesterday...with some handy tips and links on how to approach revision/re-writes. It made me feel a lot better, since Im in the middle of massive re-writes right now! You can find it at

Tracy said...

Ahhh, approach it head-on...I just wrote an entry about challenges! Go for it!

Kristy Philbrick said...

@Lo Thank you, I'll go check that out now!

@tracy, I'll have to check it out :)

Amie Kaufman said...

Hey, thanks for the link, Lo!

Good luck with the revisions, Kristy! I'm starting at the same time as you--it's good to have company in attacking these things. Only way to learn is do it! (There, did that sound un-scared?)

Unknown said...

Good luck!

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