Wednesday, November 23, 2011

DIY Creativity

I am still around, and as most of you will notice, I didn't do Nano this year. I am slightly disappointed with myself for not tackling my second novel, but at the same time, I wasn't ready to start it.....  I am still in the process of editing my book, and hope to report progress on that in the near future --

In the meantime, please check out my newest addition to my creativity plate -

Here you will be able to see what other areas I am pouring myself into, and hopefully get inspired yourself. 


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Growing Up

I recently took a giant leap in my writing life.  Most of you know (my faithful readers) that I wrote a book last November, and that I was beginning revisions a few months ago. After doing two rewrites, I decided it was time to send my book out to be read -- well this is huge for me. I rarely ever let anyone read my work, especially a novel!   However, I know that I will never grow as a writer if I don't let my work get torn to shreds.  Choosing who to send my book to was tough, and it's been hard waiting as she reads it.  The person I decided on has a lot of experience with both reading and editing. It's someone I respect, and I look forward to her feedback. 

I feel a little outside of my comfort zone, but as each day passes, I forget that my little piece of artwork is on someone else's desk, being read by a different set of eyes.   I cringe at the thought of something that I might have left out, or an inconsistency that I might not have corrected.  Now I wait -- I wait to hear what she thinks, I wait to discover how my writing looks to someone else...  I guess you could say, I'm growing up?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer Writing # 1

I have taken the summer off from school to submerge myself into my writing. So I can rewrite the novel I wrote last year... and so that I can continue on the projects that I'm already working on. Yet, I feel pressured, non-content, angry, defeated. My characters have abandoned me, and my drive has dissolved. So, here I am, at the mercy of my blog, trying to find some form of motivation.  I contemplated starting a new blog - quickly realized that the time to get it set up could be better used writing. I sat, stared at the blank screen, and contemplated writing about my two dogs, possibly even giving them their own blog. It's a thought - but do I really want to spend my writing time, speaking for my pets? Some days, maybe... right now.. no!  So, my promise to myself is to write - to write every day regardless of how self-defeated I feel. Today is day 1!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I want to be an amazing writer – Now one would think that this was always my goal.  It was not.  My goal was simply to write. It was my passion – it IS my passion. However, I have been giving up before I start, and I have been expecting less than mediocre from myself.  I haven’t required myself to be an amazing writer. I have just wanted to be a writer. That is not enough anymore. I want to be amazing. I want people to read my stories, and I want them to fall in love, over and over again.  There are several books that I have fallen in love with, several movies that I watch at the very least, once a year.  There are stories within me that keep me comforted, and others that keep me terrified. We all have a story, and it is important to tell it so that others can fall in love with our words, our situations, our characters.. and sometimes us.  That is what I want for myself, and my writing. The next few weeks will be full of rewriting.  Taking the work that I allowed just mediocre, and making it better.  Pouring myself into my words, and creating something that not only I love, but that others will love as well. It is no longer okay for me to just want to write – It is however, okay for me to want to write AMAZINGLY.    Kphilbrick.